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If you are travelling alone, for business or pleasure, you'll enjoy a complimentary breakfast every morning of your stay!
  • Included breakfast every morning of your stay
  • Bookings must be made directly on the website
  • Cancellation fees apply
  • Rates are net and non-commissionable
  • Further terms & conditions may apply
  • Offer available at all Premier Hotels & Resorts
Arrival from 14:00
Departure to 11:00
Parking - info
Car park is free of charge to all hotel guests - Space is limited and on a first come first serve basis

Where the appropriate room category and bed configuration allows, a maximum of two (2) children under the age of sixteen (16), sharing with two (2) paying adults, stay for free, and have free breakfast. Free breakfast for children is subject to two (2) fully paid adult breakfasts. Children’s rates are only applicable when children are staying in the same room as adults. If children stay in a separate room, standard adult rates will apply.

Pets are not accepted.
Accepted methods of payment:
American Express Diners Mastercard Maestro Visa Visa Electron

As a world class African Hotel Group, guests are invited to not only experience the luxurious and modern facilities within each hotel, but to take advantage of the surroundings in which they are located.